Below is a listing of Farm Bureau and other Agriculture Related Scholarships available for New Hampshire students. This list is continually growing as we are made aware of more and more Scholarships. Please contact Leandra Pritchard if you know of a scholarship that should be on this page!

County Farm Bureau Scholarships:

2025 County Farm Bureau Scholarships will be updated as information is provided!

Cheshire County Farm Bureau – Bob Moore Scholarship

This scholarship was established in honor of Bob Moore, long-time CCFB member, to help a Cheshire County resident wishing to attend a leadership or agricultural advocacy event/ conference. The scholarship will be awarded up to $500. Application HERE.
DEADLINE: Application is open year-round

Grafton County Farm Bureau Scholarship

This scholarship is for any Grafton County resident who is a senior in high school, has graduated high school, or is a college student pursuing a career related to agriculture. Grafton County Farm Bureau will be awarding a scholarship in the amount of $1500. Contact GCFB Secretary Denis Ward with any questions. 2025 GCFB Scholarship Notice
DEADLINE: May 3, 2025

Merrimack County Farm Bureau Scholarships

The Trudy Gay Memorial Scholarship and the “Chip” McNamara Memorial Scholarship are awarded annually. Scholarships are open to all MCFB members attending post-secondary education. Deadline is May 15, 2025. Email MCFB Secretary Leandra Pritchard with any questions.
MCFB Scholarship Application 2025
DEADLINE: May 15, 2025

Rockingham County Farm Bureau Scholarship

This scholarship is available to members/residents of Rockingham County with preference given to members of Rockingham County Farm Bureau families. A selection committee will evaluate applications and select the student receiving the award. The winner will be contacted by RCFB Secretary Heather Fernald. For more information, contact the secretary of RCFB, Heather Fernald.
2025 RCFB Scholarship Application
DEADLINE: April 11, 2025

Strafford County Farm Bureau Scholarship

A scholarship/grant award program offers funding for small to medium sized projects designed to promote agricultural education, programs, and opportunities for youth. Awarded annually. For application information, click here or contact Strafford County Farm Bureau President Bruce Ciley.
DEADLINE: Application is open year-round

Additional Ag Related Scholarship Resources:

Abbie Sargent Memorial Scholarship
Applicants for the 2025 Abbie Sargent Memorial Scholarship must be a resident of New Hampshire, and a graduate of an approved high school with average or better grades. Additionally, they must demonstrate acceptance of responsibility and financial need. Applicants must be a full or part-time student at an institute of higher learning. Preferences will be given to those enrolled in an agriculture related study.
2025 Abbie Sargent Scholarship Application
DEADLINE: April 15, 2025

Farm Credit East – Scholarship Program
To apply, any individual pursuing a full-time, post high school education (this includes colleges and technical schools) during the upcoming fall semester who demonstrates, through their career plans, experience, program of study and extracurricular activities, significant progress toward and a clear intention for a career in agriculture, forestry, commercial fishing or a related field. An associates, bachelors or graduate degree, as well as technical school attendance, qualifies as post high school education.

Candidates for the scholarship must have a permanent home address within the area served by Farm Credit East’s seven state territory: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island. Please note, this excludes Clinton and Essex counties in New York and Cheshire, Coos, Grafton and Sullivan counties in New Hampshire. and plan to attend post high school education in the upcoming fall semester. Applicants are eligible to win this scholarship only once.
Follow the link to learn more and apply.
DEADLINE: March 14, 2025

Jeffrey P. Smith Farm Scholarship
The Jeffrey P. Smith Farm Camp Scholarship endeavors to connect young people with agriculture & the natural world. This scholarship seeks to inspire the next generation of local farmers & local food supporters, by giving regional children an opportunity, through summer camp, 4-H programs, or membership to NOFA NH, to experience sustainable farming practices first-hand & watch their efforts bear fruit.

They are now accepting applications for 2025 as well as donations to the scholarship fund. Applications deadline is March 31, 2025 and donations are accepted throughout the year. For more information, to request application materials, or to donate to the scholarship fund, please contact the Cheshire County Conservation District at 603-756-2988 ext.4 or More information and application HERE.
DEADLINE: March 31, 2025

International Harvester Collectors New England Chapter 18 Scholarship
Our scholarship program is open to high school seniors who intend to further their education at a four year college, community college, or other similar institution (within the New England states only)

The scholarship is available for students who plan to pursue a career in an agricultural field (veterinary, agriculture, automotive/ engine work, etc.) at a school in New England.

The scholarship award is for one year, and will be sent directly to the institution to be used to pay educational expenses. There can be multiple winners in a given year. Candidates do not have to be Chapter 18 members; this is open to all of the New England states. More info HERE.
DEADLINE: June 1, 2025

Stanley Grimes Conservation Scholarship
The Stanley Grimes Conservation Scholarship is in memory of Stanley Grimes, Sr. Mr. Grimes served on the Merrimack County Conservation District Board of Supervisors for 33 years and was also active in his community of Pembroke, NH. Among many other civic roles, Mr. Grimes served on the school board in Pembroke.

A $1,000 Scholarship* is awarded annually to a Merrimack County resident who has been accepted into a two or four-year program of study in the field of Agriculture, Forestry, Environmental Science, Horticulture, Wetland Science, Environmental Engineering, Soil Science, or a related Natural Resources program. For more information and to apply, click here.

GROWMARK Foundation Scholarship
The GROWMARK Foundation will provide 15 $1500 scholarships to students pursuing agriculture-related degrees or certificates at colleges, universities, or technical schools in the United States and Ontario, Canada.

At the time of application, students must be high school seniors or the equivalent, or continuing students enrolled in good standing at a college, university, or technical school. Students who have previously received a GROWMARK Foundation scholarship are ineligible to apply again; however, previous applicants who did not receive an award may still apply as long as they meet the other requirements. For more information and to apply, click here.
DEADLINE: April 11, 2025

NH Grange Scholarships
Applications can be made in one of five categories of scholarships and grants: Post secondary– student enrolled in an accredited institution leading to a degree; Continuing re-certification- enrolled in a program to meet requirements of re-certification for a licensed position; General equivalency diploma– informal course of study leading to a diploma; Adult education enrichment- course, seminar, or program designed to improve skills; and Farm internship and agricultural program– an informal educational program related to farming or agribusiness. Grange Application is attached HERE.
DEADLINE: April 15, 2025

Big E Scholarships
Eastern States Exposition offers several agriculturally related scholarships. Amounts and deadlines vary. For more information visit
DEADLINE: May 1, 2025

NH 4-H Scholarships
The following scholarships are administered by NH 4-H. Applications are usually accepted at your county office, but double check the scholarship guidelines to be sure. Click HERE for full list of opportunities.

New England Sheep and Wool Growers Scholarship
The New England Sheep and Wool Growers Association annually present TWO memorial awards for $750 each. To qualify, a student must have completed one year of his or her undergraduate studies or be enrolled in graduate school. The applicant can not be in a Dual Enrollment program (being enrolled in High School and College at the same time).

These awards are available to the residents of the New England States and Eastern New York State where the New England Sheep and Wool Growers have an appointed director, to students who themselves or families are members of NES&WGA, or to students who have exhibited at the Northeast Youth Sheep Show. For full details and application materials, click HERE.
DEADLINE: August 1, 2025

New Hampshire Beekeepers Association Scholarship
The purpose of the scholarship program is to disburse scholarship money to graduating high school seniors and post secondary students who are continuing in a post secondary school in agricultural, biology, and/or honey bee-related field.

  • Candidates must graduate from high school and be enrolled in a post secondary school.
  • Candidates must be continuing school in an agricultural, biology, and/or honey bee-related field.
  • Candidates must be a member of a NH bee club or an immediate dependent of a member of a NH bee club.

The scholarship has an Essay submission deadline of MAY 1st in order to have the committee review. NHBA will make a presentation/announcement at our Summer NHBA Meeting. The essay will consist of 300 words on your goals regarding the field of study chosen. Click here for more information.
DEADLINE: May 1, 2025

National DHIA Scholarship
To be eligible for a National DHIA scholarship, applicants must be a family member or employee of a herd on DHI test, a family member of a DHI employee or an employee of a DHI affiliate. The DHI affiliate for the herd or affiliate employee must be a National DHIA member. On July 1, 2024, the 2025 National DHIA Scholarship application will be posted on the National DHIA website.

Hollis Agricultural Scholarship
Fulchino Vineyard is pleased to announce that we will again be offering another annual scholarship to a Hollis Brookline 2023 graduate who is pursuing education studies in the fields of traditional agriculture, animal husbandry, environmental sciences, floriculture, horticulture, forestry, and the like. The Hollis Agricultural Scholarship is the 1st of its kind in our towns and has been offered each year since its inception. If you, or if you know a person who might qualify please have them contact the Hollis Brookline guidance department for further details.

Charles W. Buck Memorial Scholarship
The Charles W. Buck Memorial Scholarship Fund annually presents one memorial award in the amount of $1000. To qualify a student must be a resident in New Hampshire. This award will be given to an undergraduate student majoring in agricultural studies, including pre-veterinary. More info here.
DEADLINE: April 15, 2025

NH FFA Foundation
Eligibility: Students who are members in good standing of the Granite State FFA and who are pursuing or intending to pursue their education beyond high school with a major in the broad area of agriculture or forestry. More info here.
DEADLINE: February 9, 2025

National FFA
Eligibility: As the National FFA offers many different scholarships with different eligibility requirements, please visit the National FFA Scholarship page for more information. More info here.
DEADLINE: January 9, 2025

GCCD Summer Conservation Camp Scholarship
Grafton County Conservation District (GCCD) is accepting applications for the Jim Page Conservation Scholarship.  GCCD wishes to foster learning in the area of conservation by awarding two $350.00 scholarships to deserving students of Grafton County in the area of conservation, towards a 4-H Camp or conservation camp experience.  The application is easy to complete – just write a paragraph about why you want to attend camp!  Recipients should be prepared to speak to the Grafton County Conservation District about their camp experience.  Contact Pam Gilbert at Grafton County Conservation District, 603 787-6973, for an application and information.  Information can also be found on the GCCD website Education tab: Applications must be received at Grafton County Conservation District by February 12, 2025

Non-Ag Specific Scholarship Resources:

New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
The New Hampshire Charitable Foundation is the largest provider of publicly available scholarships in New Hampshire, awarding more than $7 million to more than 1,600 promising students each year. This is a scholarship program that hold funds for 428 scholarship programs. You fill out one application and they determine which ones you qualify for. For more information and application, visit

Mike Rowe Work Ethic Scholarships
To be eligible for this award, you must:
– Be a high school senior, high school graduate, or have GED equivalent
– Plan to complete a trade-related program
– Be enrolled or plan to enroll in an approved trade program at an accredited two-year college, vocational, or technical school, or other approved technical school in the United States. Four-year degree or bachelor programs are not eligible. Learn more here:
DEADLINE: April 17, 2025

Bring Back the Trades Scholarship
Bring Back the Trades Inc. awards monthly scholarships during the school calendar year to students from across the United States who are attending post-secondary education in the Skilled Trades.

Monthly scholarships of $1,000 are awarded each month and sent directly to the secondary school the award recipient is attending. Click here for more details