The Associated Women of NH Farm Bureau

The Associated Women of the New Hampshire Farm Bureau Federation began in 1923 as the “Home and Community Welfare Work of NH Farm Bureau.”  Abbie Sargent of Hillsborough County was the first chair-woman of this group and in 1934, the first President of the Associated Women of the American Farm Bureau Federation.

Any New Hampshire Farm Bureau woman member is eligible and encouraged to participate in the Associated Women of New Hampshire Farm Bureau.  Monthly meetings are held on the first Monday and remote access to meetings is available to accommodate participants and is a way to learn first-hand about our state’s agricultural diversity.

The objective of the Associated Women is to create interest in, knowledge of, and desire to improve world relations, government, education, health, safety and standard of living as they impact the farm and rural communities.  The group also cooperates with maintaining the objectives of the NH Farm Bureau Federation.

  • Associated Women of NHFB engage in programming, activities, and farm tours, like this one at Three Creeks Farm in New Hampton.
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Programs & Activities

Communicating the NH Agriculture Story
Associated Women’s Book: Our Farming Heritage Lives On: Celebrating 100 Years of New Hampshire Farm Bureau Federation
•Participate in open farms and school-to-farm days
• Support the NH Agriculture in the Classroom program
• Help sponsor workshops on health, safety, finances, animal welfare, niche marketing, starting and transitioning family businesses
• Write articles for The Communicator 

Leadership Development
• Serve on a county Farm Bureau board

• Leadership conference opportunities at state, regional and national levels

Networking & Social Opportunities
• Meet people with similar interests

• Farm and cultural tours
• Learn new skill and share ideas

Issues & Influence
• Grassroots policy development

• Contacting decision-makers about Farm Bureau policy issues
• Support Farm Bureau policy goals

No Taste for Waste
Visit the AW Facebook page for helpful tips & hints on reducing food waste
• Listen to a conversation with AW member Ruth Scruton on 107.7 the Pulse talking about No Taste for Waste