Young Farmer Chair Amy Matarozzo (right) congratulates Alicia Pedemonti for winning the NH Young Farmers Discussion Meet. Alicia will go on to compete nationally at the American Farm Bureau Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida
CONCORD, NH – Alicia Pedemonti of Unity won the New Hampshire Farm Bureau Young Farmer Discussion Meet at New Hampshire Farm Bureau’s Annual Meeting on Friday, November 13th. The Discussion Meet is an event designed to simulate a committee or board meeting where cooperation and problem solving skills are most valuable. Alicia will move on to represent New Hampshire at the American Farm Bureau Discussion Meet at their Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida in January.
Any Farm Bureau members between the ages of 18 and 35 are invited to partake each year in the Discussion Meet. This year, three participants discussed the topics of the use and acceptance of new technologies in agriculture and animal welfare issues. The goal of these discussions is to help develop young farmers’ problem solving and leadership skills to be applied in Farm Bureau’s grass-roots Policy Development process.
Competitors are evaluated on cooperation, problem solving, delivery, and analysis of the topics. Judges for the event included past Young Farmer Award winners and a former New Hampshire Farm Bureau President.
Along with the expense paid trip to Orlando courtesy of New Hampshire Farm Bureau, Alicia received a monetary prize thanks to Strafford County Farm Bureau and Spider Web Gardens in Center Tuftonboro.